What are the 5 characteristics of emotional intelligence?
What are the 7 signs of emotional intelligence?
What is emotional intelligence examples?
How do you know if you have low emotional intelligence?
How do you fix emotional intelligence?
What are the 4 types of emotional intelligence?
How can you tell if someone is emotionally intelligent?
What is the most basic skill of the emotional quotient?

Emotional Intelligence – EQ
Emotional intelligence is a term which can be used to lead yourself towards a happier version of you. If you understand its value you can drive yourself to the doors of success. There are some people who know its value from the very beginning. They understand and control their emotions really well and then grow those emotions which affect their lives positively while suppress others which are harmful.
You may have heard of anger management. People who manage their anger are emotionally intelligent. Usually there are 5 main characteristics of emotional intelligence i.e. Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation (self-motivation, family motivation), Empathy and Social skills.
IQ Vs. Emotional Intelligence – EQ
Have you ever failed a test or an exam just because emotionally you were not feeling well? Have you lost a loved one just few days before an exam and could not pass the exam because your emotional state did not allow you to concentrate.
Some of you or your friends may have experienced this scenario. So we see that no matter how intelligent a person is if he is emotionally unstable his IQ is not really going to do anything for him/her. If he is emotionally intelligent then first he will work on his emotions, channel them and suppress negative ones then study. This is the right track.
If you look back then you will come to know that in previous time’s intelligence quotient or IQ was very well admired but now with the passage of time people are becoming more and more aware of emotional intelligence and emotional wellbeing as well. If you provide a better environment and surrounding, where your employees can work with full concentration then many congratulations to you. You have achieved the goal to provide better environment for intelligent people to work.
A person with high IQ can never be good at work unless and until he is at stable emotional state. If you have friends and nice colleagues at work then you will automatically be attracted towards your workplace. You may discuss your problem with a friend and get a good advice. Be content and start focusing on your work.
The most common 7 signs of emotional intelligence are Getting along Well others/ having Interest in Others. Self-Awareness knowledge of Strengths and Weaknesses, Operating with Truthfulness, Keen understanding of Feelings. Complete Focused on present, highly self-Motivated and Well-Placed of Boundaries.
Emotionally Intelligence (EQ) and Students
Student life is the most challenging life in terms of emotional intelligence. This age is the one which defines the calmness, anger, empathetic and tolerance behaviour of one’s personality.

My personal advice is for students as I myself applied this trick many times whenever I did not feel like studying i did not force myself i simply closed my book. Thought about all the perks would get if I studied. I used to take inspiration from successful personalities and got inspiration from success stories.
I also used to make a timetable. Whether I followed it or not but it somehow gave me that fuel, needed to get through the examination.
So if you are a student then learn to play with your emotions. I guarantee you; you won’t regret your choice. If a student knows his core emotions he may use them to compel himself towards study. If he does not feel like doing his homework he will go for a walk or sit in a corner, close his eyes and just think about his future.
Am I satisfied with my life? What will I achieve if I work hard? I will be able to buy a house, own a car or go on tour to explore a new country. Whatever your motivation is if you are an emotionally intelligent person you will use these emotions and dreams to make a mind and do homework.
So we can conclude that emotions are involved everywhere, whether it’s our work life or personal life. The one who learned to interpret, control and channel his emotions will be winner.
EQ-Emotional Intelligence and Companies/Employees
Now a days companies and brands having employees who recognize the importance of emotions or we can say that employees who are emotionally intelligent play with emotions. They give their customers the choice to custom make their t shirts, caps, baby rompers, even cold drink bottles.
What exactly companies do? What they do is they write quotations or anything which they know is going to attract customer’s attraction. That’s why companies and brands are very selective while choosing their employees apart from IQ level they also check the Intelligence quotient of their employees which is going to be very beneficial for them in future.
These employees are good at communicating their own thoughts and ideas and can immediately learn what kind of work is required by their leadership. They are future leaders who will understand their employees really well and know exactly how to channel them to their fullest ability. They maintain a healthy work environment.
So one of type of emotional intelligence is discussed in our article Motivation as energy booster!. Do give it a read!