What does having regrets in life mean?
Is there a plural for regret?
What’s your biggest regret in life?
How do you deal with regrets?
Regrets in life
Regret – It is a six letter word having a strong influence on our personalities. Sometimes the affect is life-long, whereas in some cases, it is worn off in few moments.
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Sydney J. Harris
Regret – It is a six letter word having a strong influence on our personalities. Sometimes the affect is life-long, whereas in some cases, it is worn off in few moments.
Sometimes the challenges in life are far greater than what we perceive. If one has successfully accomplish his goal by facing all the challenges, it becomes an achievement. However, if it’s the other way around, then it becomes a regret. It’s better to repent earlier than regretting later.
We usually regret on the things that we had worked hard for. Like if someone worked hard to achieve a specific career goal and the results are not fulfilling to his expectations, then it becomes a regret for him. As he has to choose a career other than his desired goal. Even sometimes this regret becomes a blessing later.
You are the artist of your life, Don’t give the paintbrush to anyone else..!
Regret can be of anything like a businessman regrets that they could not get a good business strategy. Few people regrets on losing relations.
Sometimes we can remove a regret by our action. For example, if we missed to wish our mom on her birthday we can apologize by giving her a small surprise.
However, some regrets are source of learning for us. For example, if a person purchased the securities and sold them at wrong time. He is going to face the financial and emotional loss. Once a person faces such loss, he will always rethink before taking such hazard again in life.
This society neither forgives nor forgets. Sometimes it our society that do not let a person come out of his regrets.

We live just for once.
Are these regrets important for us to be successful? Well yes, a bird fly the best after falling down for several times. Likewise, a human works more hard after facing failure.
I heard someone saying, “Regrets are linked to our feelings and emotions.“
Let’s start spending our time now working on the things we want in our life. The greatest success lies in living your life in your own way. Live according to your own passion and aspiration, do not bound yourself to other’s expectations. We live just for once.
No matter what, everybody have something in life to regret for. everybody have regrets.
Ask yourself if there is anything that you might regret later. And if there is, act today.
Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh.
Henry David Thoreau
Don’t be regretful in your life, because IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO SAY SORRY.